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Custom Software Development

Custom Software to Help Your Business

  • Gain an edge over your competitors
  • Increase efficiency, productivity and quality
  • Frequently less expensive than off the shelf solutions
  • Personal support from the team who created your software
  • Integrate PDAs, bar code scanners, weighbridges and other hardware
  • Automatically upload/download information to and from your website
  • Link software such as accounts, office administration, contact management
  • Incorporate web and cloud services, create custom apps, automate text messaging, more...
  • Take full control of your business with software that is infinitely adaptable to meet your needs

Is custom software an expensive luxury, a cost-effective solution, or an essential requirement?

By identifying the goals and the needs of your own business, professionally developed bespoke software will give you a substantial competitive advantage. With increased efficiency and improved reporting you will more easily predict and meet the needs of your customers.

Commercial off-the-shelf software can cost you dearly….
Valuable time will be lost trying to get to grips with complex packages, with unnecessary and superfluous features you will never use. More money will be spent on "customisation" or add-ons, or yet more software to handle the different aspects of your business. Effort will be wasted trying to compromise with awkward work-arounds when dealing with a specific requirement important to your business.

Instead of altering your business practices to suit your software, reap the benefit of adapting your software to suit your business. Your custom software will deal with ALL your requirements. It will work specifically for you, making it easier for you to manage your business. Your staff will find it intuitive to use, as it will operate in the way they are used to working.

Your efficiency will be improved by integrating specialist data input devices, incorporating cloud services, or by interfacing with other databases and software to create an all-inclusive solution across your whole organisation. As your business grows, your software will have the flexibility to be modified and expanded to encompass areas not previously considered. With ongoing support you will have access to your own personal IT resource for information or advice, and your requests will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

The following are examples of areas in which software tailored to specific needs has helped a wide range of businesses.

Please contact us to find out how we can help your business.

Software Integration

Trying to keep data synchronised in different unconnected software applications can be time consuming and prone to error if done manually. Custom software Integration will provide the link to enable these products to run seamlessly together, whether for Accounts, Contact Management, Client Relationship Management (CRM), or other applications. Microsoft Access can also link into software systems developed in-house.

Hardware Integration

Save time and improve accuracy by taking data directly from an input device and automatically updating your software. Hardware integration will ensure that the data is seamlessly transferred to your office administration or invoicing software, saving staff time and improving accuracy. Items such as PDAs, bar code readers, weighing, measuring or other data collection equipment can all be integrated.

Sage Integration

Sage Integration with Microsoft Access or other business management databases will enable you to benefit from the accountancy features of Sage, whilst using software customised to the way your business runs.

Excel Integration

With an automated import/export link between Access and Excel you will combine the power of a strong relational database with the familiarity and comprehensive analytical tools of a spreadsheet.

Weighbridge Integration

With real-time weighbridge integration data can be collected and used immediately by your back office computer system, for instance for invoicing or stats collection.

Spreadsheet Conversion

If you are experiencing difficulties managing your business using spreadsheets, we can convert your spreadsheets to a custom database system. You will save time and be able to manage your business more effectively.

Expert Systems

A custom Expert System will automatically apply rules and logic as appropriate, for more informed, quicker and consistant decision making.

Large Volume Data Processing

Does your current software struggle when processing large amounts of information? We can help you use the tools available on your desktop (or write a custom application) to improve the speed considerably.

Document Management

Incorporating document management into your business system will ensure all important information and documentation will be available as and when needed.

Workflow Database Software

A centralised workflow system, built to mirror your own individual work practices, will provide a structure for managing your business processes with greater efficiency.

Manufacturing and Production Software

Effective software for manufacture and production control will support your business from quotation and order, through production and job management, to shipping and payment.

CNC Manufacturing Integration

You will be able to control vital production information from your core business database by linking it directly to shop floor machinery

Incorporating ISO 9001 within Your Business Software

Running a separate or manual system for ISO 9001 compliance is time-consuming and has greater potential for error. Integrate this within your business administration software to improve efficiency, and save you time.

Please follow these links for information about custom Microsoft Access software and bespoke web sites